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Breathe in……….and out….in……and out, close your eyes, relax and listen to my voice, starting with your feet,  you are completely relaxed, moving upwards, you are completely relaxed, I am going to count from 10-1, with each step you are more and more relaxed, now, you’ll do whatever I tell you to,  you’ll act the way I want you to, you are now completely hypnotised! now, you are a pigeon, fly, I said fly, why aren’t you flying you dumb pigeon?   Ever heard these types of hysterical stuff?


Hypnosis is a completely different subject matter than from what is projected by the Hollywood/Bollywood movies. No one becomes a pigeon or dog out of their own will. 

Hypnosis as per Google~

“the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. Its use in therapy, typically to recover suppressed memories or to allow modification of behaviour, has been revived but is still controversial.”


The development of concepts, beliefs and practices related to hypnosis and hypnotherapy has been documented since prehistoric to modern times.
Although often viewed as one continuous history, the term hypnosis only gained widespread use in the 1880s, initially amongst those influenced by the developments in France, some twenty years after the death of James Braid – who had adopted the term hypnotism in 1841.
Braid adopted the term hypnotism (which specifically applied to the state of the subject, rather than techniques applied by the operator) to contrast his own, unique, subject-centred, approach with those of the operator-centred mesmerists who preceded him.

via Wikipedia (

The” layman” meaning of Hypnosis~

The term hypnotism is often misunderstood as an act, conducted for entertainment purposes of the mass. Be it stage shows or television shows, the way it is shown is entirely different from what it actually is. Hypnosis is a technique or a tool used to take the subject (the person on whom the hypnosis therapy is being conducted) into an altered state of mind, which enables the hypnotist to access the Subconscious Mind of the subject.

To understand more about Hypnosis, one needs to get an overview of what is Subconscious mind?

The Subconscious mind, in layman terms, is that part of your brain which controls all the involuntary functions of the body, such as body temperature,heartbeat,etc.
It also contains  the coding of, how a person behaves, his attitude, etc.
The subconscious mind is the ultimate governing source of an individual.
Everything which happens to us (good/bad) it all comes from your subconscious mind, your success/failures are all dependent on how well is your subconscious mind coded.
The coding of your subconscious takes place at a very early stage of your life, even before you  actually understand or speak  any word. The way you are brought up matters the most.
Anxiety, panic attacks all comes from improper coding.




How is it coded ?
Our conscious mind see and understand through eyes, i.e. by what is sees, whereas our subconscious mind sees and is coded via feelings,emotions,desires and pictures.
The subconscious mind is believed to be the source of failure/success ,many factors contribute towards coding of the subconscious.

The subconscious mind accepts everything, yep, everything. Be it a positive or a negative one, and the thought which it holds and believes to be true (as it can not differentiate between what is true or false, real or imagined)  is the thought which manifests itself.

Now, enough of what it is!

Coming back to our concern, Hypnosis acts as a window to the Subconscious, It is a therapy by which the subject enters into a trance state (one of the brain states*, indicated with deep relaxation and tingly sensations) Why Trance state? As this state is a state of deep relaxation and a state where the conscious mind does not interfere with the subconscious mind, it enables the hypnotist to plant a suggestion in the subconscious of the subject, this suggestion or an idea could be anything, i.e., anything related to the type of the hypnotherapy, be it for to boost self-confidence, to overcome exam nerves, to combat anxiety or panic attacks.

For instance, in case of a confidence-boosting therapy, usually, the hypnotist suggests or affirms~

  • You are confident
  • You believe in yourself
  • You can overcome any obstacle,etc

Hypnosis can be used for various purposes, ranging from deep sleep relaxation to increasing IQ or losing weight, some of the  Common Uses of Hypnosis are~


  1. To overcome Anxiety and panic attacks
  2. To boost self-confidence
  3. To calm exam nerves
  4. For deep sleep,etc.

Research proves that hypnosis is successful in curing pain and overcoming anxiety and panic attacks, reduce stress, stay positive and happy, speedy recovery from illness,etc. Now the question is who can and can’t be hypnotised? The answer to this is quite simple, the subject with good imagination and relaxation can be easily hypnotised and others may be little tricky to be hypnotised.

Is Hypnosis dangerous?

NO! It’s not, as in hypnosis a person is always in his senses and it can never be forced against its will. Therefore It a safe therapy or technique.

What is self-hypnosis?

It is a technique by which an individual, all on its own, hypnotises himself or gets into an altered state of mind and suggests or affirms what he wants his subconscious mind to accept and act on.

Quote of the blog~  “Fiction is the truth inside the lie.” ~ Stephen king


These are completely my experiences and opinions, I do not take any responsibility of, whether this will work for you or not and this blog is not meant to replace any medical advice or whatever.This blog does not take the place of competent health professionals. If you have an emotional or physical problem, you should consult a doctor or a therapist.








2 thoughts on “THE TRUTH ABOUT: Hypnosis

  1. Hi Monish,

    Thanks for this clear explanation on hypnosis. I think this can be a wonderful tool for people who have been trying to lose weight, but unsuccessful. Hypnosis could help unlock some of the hidden barriers that are holding them back.


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