The God in you : Your subconscious mind

The stir took place when I first watched the movie “Lucy”, The very concept of 100% brain activation throttled my curiosity to go deeper into the same.
Fired up youtube and google to gain   insights, Bam ! An article on subconscious mind, did some research  and developed a great interest for the same.

What is subconscious mind all about ?

The Subconscious mind, in layman terms, is that part of your brain which controls all the involuntary functions of the body, such as body temperature,heartbeat,etc.
It also contains  the coding of, how a person behaves, his attitude, etc.
The subconscious mind is the ultimate governing source of an individual.
Everything which happens to us (good/bad) it all comes from your subconscious mind, your success/failures are all dependent on how well is your subconscious mind coded.
The coding of your subconscious takes place at a very early stage of your life, even before you  actually understand or speak  any word. The way you are brought up matters the most.
Anxiety, panic attacks all comes from improper coding.
How is it coded ?
Our conscious mind see and understand through eyes, i.e. by what is sees, whereas our subconscious mind sees and is coded via feelings,emotions,desires and pictures.
The subconscious mind is believed to be the source of failure/success ,many factors contribute towards coding of the subconscious.

The subconscious mind accepts everything, yep, everything. Be it a positive or a negative one, and the thought which it holds and believes to be true (as it can not differentiate between what is true or false, real or imagined)  is the thought which manifests itself.

Now, enough of what it is!

Question is, “how to make things happens”?

Each and every one of us knows about the “secret” i.e. the law of attraction. There are many articles on what is the law of attraction? But no one actually explain how to do it?
Without creating more confusion, here are some tips ~


  • Have faith
  • Maintain your goal journal and write in it what you want on regular basis
  • Whenever any negative thought creeps in, replace it with a positive one
  • use guided visualisation ( available on YouTube )
  • Be patient


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